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GOLDENEYE DUCK : Bucephala clangula

You may see these on the upper Leven in winter. As diving ducks and rather small, you have to have a keen eye as they are wuickly gone from view again. Their largely black and white plumage is offset by that golden eye. 

A medium-sized diving duck, the goldeneye can mainly be spotted in winter when birds fly in from Northern Europe. Conservation efforts have helped small numbers of these birds to nest in Scotland. [Wildlife Trusts].

Three goldeneyes cavort happily in the strongly flowing Leven in January. They were joined by another two. Note the differences in plumage between the sexes.

A lone drake on the upper Leven in mid-February.

RSPB : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/birds/waterfowl/goldeneye

WILDLIFE TRUSTS : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/birds/waterfowl/goldeneye

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