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ACCESS : Look for the entrance off Kilbowie Road. 

Also see : SINGER SEWING MACHINES This is to a great extent the same site. index.asp?pageid=719117

Clydebank Business Park is a well-established, modern commercial environment and is home to a wide range of industrial and office occupiers who benefit from the location’s strong transport links.

Access to the Business Park is via Kilbowie Road (A8014), with the park entrance a short drive north from Glasgow/Dumbarton Road (A814) and only one mile south of Great Western Road (A82) from Kilbowie Roundabout. [Clydebank Business Park website]. 

The buildings within the business park are in red. The entrance off Kilbowie Road is indicated by a star. Across Kilbowie Road is the Clydebank Shoppign Centre. Singer Station is indicated by a red dot. 

CLYDBANK BUSINESS PARK website : http://www.clydebankbusinesspark.co.uk/

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