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POSTIES PARK, Woodyard Road, G82 4BG Dumbarton. 

ACCESS : Easy access on foot depending on sporting activities and by cycle around its perimeter. 


Posties Park is a grassed area of sports pitches. Many tend to lump it in their memories as simply part of Levengrove Park with which it merges, but its has a rather different character. It is defined to the east by Woodyard Road along the Leven and to the west simply by an embankment against Levengrove Park. Towards the mouth of the Leven is Sandpoint Marina. 

It is a popular venue for the Scottish Pipe Band Championships each July, its flat lawns being ideal for that while next to it the undulations and trees of Levengrove Park accommodate the supporting activities such as stalls. 

Each November the local fireworks are a major draw. 


Its not all about pipes and drums ........

WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL website : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/west-dunbartonshire-leisure/sports-pitches/dumbarton-pitches/posties-park/

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