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This society takes a broad view of its objectives. The word "heritage" incorporates history, but also the arts, built environment and natural features of value as well as objects relevant to the area's cultural significance. We currently only meet a proportion of these objectives, but are always on the lookout for volunteers or ways that we can cooperate with and support others with similar interests.


The Constitution of the Lennox Heritage Society.


The Society takes its name from the old Earldom of Lennox, one of the ancient medieval Earldoms of Scotland, the boundaries of which can still be traced in the parishes and reconstituted council areas. The “Lennox” area now within West Dunbartonshire, has been the location of major developments and events over a long period of time. Although much is now recorded and researched, much remains to be done to make this available to the wider public. The main objective of this Society, therefore, must be to bring to light such records as exist, to secure for present and future generations the materials and artefacts which reflect mankind’s relationship to his environment and, by preservation and conservation, to contrive that the products of research are made available for study and reference. It should be an important by-product of this activity that community involvement is stimulated and encouraged, the members of the Society holding in common the view that self-help and personal participation in the creation of a worthy sense of local pride will encourage the preservation, development and improvement of features of general public amenity and will be reflected in our attitude to our surroundings.

Its objectives : 

a) To stimulate the public interest in the history, antiquities, lore and traditions of the area, and the geography and natural history thereof;

b) To encourage the preservation, development and improvement of features of general public amenity or historical interest;

c) To encourage high standards of architecture and town planning; d) To encourage the study of our local heritage and to stimulate research;

e) To aid in the preservation of archival materials, artefacts, books, documents, manuscripts, etc. by arranging for and encouraging the deposition of such material in the custody of appropriate local or national bodies;

f) To affiliate to, or otherwise associate with, any bodies which have similar objectives;

g) To pursue these ends by means of meetings, exhibitions, lectures, publications, conferences and publicity and the promotion of schemes of Lennox Heritage Society Constitution charitable nature.

For the full constitution, follow this link : documents/lennox-heritage-society/lennox-constitution-rev-a.pdf

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