We open with a personal point of view to which has been added quoted information by others in italics.
There are clues all around us. But what are they of? What do they tell us of ourselves?
The very place name of West Dunbartonshire conjures up various historic events.
What history entails, what it means to us, what it tells us about ourselves, how it enables us to cope with the future and how it forms the framework, the foundations of our future all signify that it is a very important aspect of our lives.
I hated history at school and gave it up as soon as that option became available. It was all names and dates that I could not remember. I clearly remember one of the other kids at school complaining that they had to learn history. It was all about the past and dead people and therefore irrelevant. A waste of time.
What I was to eventually learn, was how wrong I was.
I was brought up in a family immersed in local history. Perhaps I was simply over exposed to it when young.
As I entered university I became ever more aware of history evolving around us and how the past formed the framework for present events and even to some extent informed the future.
I became so enthused with history that when we settled in West Dunbartonshire I joined the Lennox Heritage Society and chaired it for many many years. And I also became involved in the Architectural Heritage Society and other history related bodies. And I started this website and another similar one on the Family Stories that colour my ancestors and the contexts they lived in.
West Dunbartonshire is an incredible place that is steeped in history. Ancient mysteries with clues through patterns incised on rocks and rock structures. Colonisers by Brythonic peoples. Tensions between them and the established occupants. Roman invaders with their wall and forts. Then Viking invaders with their longboats. Battles. Ever changing socio-political dynamics amongst the various tribes. The horros of modern wars. Destruction. Victory. Reconstruction. Industry, agriculture and innovation. All this impactson how and where we live today. Our urban fabric is constantly changing. Technology is evolving. We are changing socially and habitually.
All around us are clues. The very layout of our townscapes is because of all this.
We need to understand the past to make the best choices for the future. Change for change sake is pointless. Change in order to improve ourselves, our society, our built and natural environment is what it is all about.
Think of an archer. There is no way of sending that arrow accurately to its target without fully appreciating one's stance, what is behind you, your grip on the present and how far back you draw it. And then the very micro-second you release it.
Below are some quotations from bodies that encourage the study of history. They are all different yet express a common approach.
The following is an extract from the University of Wisconsin-Madison website.
The Past Teaches Us About the Present
Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present – thus providing a crucial perspective for understanding (and solving!) current and future problems....
History Builds Empathy Through Studying the Lives and Struggles of Others
Studying the diversity of human experience helps us appreciate cultures, ideas, and traditions that are not our own – and to recognize them as meaningful products of specific times and places. History helps us realize how different our lived experience is from that of our ancestors, yet how similar we are in our goals and values....
History Can Be Intensely Personal
In learning about the past, we often discover how our own lives fit into the human experience....
“Doing” History is Like Completing a Puzzle or Solving a Mystery
Imagine asking a question about the past, assembling a set of clues through documents, artifacts, or other sources, and then piecing those clues together to tell a story that answers your question and tells you something unexpected about a different time and place. ...
I personally like this aspect. It differs from the mysteries and puzzles or online games available in that it is all real and it all applies to us and our own area.
The clues area all around us. Under our feet. In our towns. Across our hills.
Another website, University of the People, puts it in this way-
1. Our World
History gives us a very clear picture of how the various aspects of society — such as technology, governmental systems, and even society as a whole — worked in the past so we understand how it came to work the way it is now.
2. Society And Other People
Studying history allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved. For example, we are able to evaluate war, even when a nation is at peace, by looking back at previous events. History provides us with the data that is used to create laws, or theories about various aspects of society.
3. Identity
History can help provide us with a sense of identity. This is actually one of the main reasons that history is still taught in schools around the world. Historians have been able to learn about how countries, families, and groups were formed, and how they evolved and developed over time. When an individual takes it upon themselves to dive deep into their own family’s history, they can understand how their family interacted with larger historical change. Did family serve in major wars? Were they present for significant events?
4. Present-Day Issues
History helps us to understand present-day issues by asking deeper questions as to why things are the way they are. Why did wars in Europe in the 20th century matter to countries around the world? How did Hitler gain and maintain power for as long as he had? How has this had an effect on shaping our world and our global political system today?
5. The Process Of Change Over Time
If we want to truly understand why something happened — in any area or field, such as one political party winning the last election vs the other, or a major change in the number of smokers — you need to look for factors that took place earlier. Only through the study of history can people really see and grasp the reasons behind these changes, and only through history can we understand what elements of an institution or a society continue regardless of continual change.
I also have a website for my Family Stories. While that is personal to my family, it is openly available online and I have gleaned much from contact with others on similar quests. Each of us is who we are because of our predecessors, our ancestors and those who came before us where we live and work and enjoy life. History therefore provides us with both a personal and community identity that we share to varying degrees. My Family Stories website endeavours to get beyond the simple family tree networks to find what my ancestors did, how they lived and in what contexts their lives were set.
Everyone should do that. Whether you have links to a famous person or not, we all have backgrounds steeped in the history of where we come from. Our ancestors all experienced the traumas of war, of financial challenge, of widespread pandemic; each maybe in a different way, but nevertheless sharing something common to all.
There is a lot online that can aid your search into your family tree. Your local Council, including the West Dunbartonshire Council, can help too. Both Dumbarton and Clydebank libraries have Heritage Centres. Their resources include census returns, old parish registers, burial and cremation records.
Another useful source is Scotland's People. Although you pay to get to specific records, it is invaluable. See the links below.
The website with the great title of CURIOUS DESIRE tells us that Studying history is an essential way to understand people and societies. History helps us to understand our past and how it affects us in the present day. Through studying history, we can gain insight into the cultures and customs of our ancestors. See the links below.
1. Studying History Helps To Understand the Present
Understanding history helps us to understand the present and predict the future. It gives us an insight into how different societies have evolved, why some societies have been successful, and others failed and how cultures influence each other.
Through a study of history, we can understand why certain events have happened and gain an understanding of the current political and social issues.
2. Studying History Helps Us Understand Different Cultures
Studying history enables us to better understand different cultures and appreciate cultural diversity. We learn about how people lived in the past and why they did certain things that may seem strange today....
3. It Makes Us More Aware Of Social Issues
Studying history helps us to become more aware of social issues in order to make informed decisions. We can gain a better understanding of how governments and societies have developed over time and the impact this has had on different people.
By studying history, we can gain insight into how social issues have evolved and why certain policies or laws have been implemented. We can also learn about the consequences of these changes in order to shape our own opinions....
5. Studying History Appreciate Diversity
Studying history helps us to appreciate diversity in all its forms. We learn about the contributions people from different backgrounds have made throughout history and gain an understanding of how this has shaped our society today.....
6. Studying History Helps In Making Better Decisions
Studying history helps us to make better decisions in the present day. By looking at how people have dealt with similar problems in the past, we can gain insight into which solutions worked and which ones failed....
7. Studying History Develops Research Skills
Studying history helps to develop research skills, as students need to conduct extensive research in order to complete their assignments and exams. This requires them to search for reliable sources of information and use evidence-based arguments when making conclusions.
These skills are highly valuable and can be applied to many different situations in life, such as job interviews and presentations. Having good research skills is essential for any successful career path....
8. It Increases Knowledge Of World Events
Studying history increases our knowledge of world events and provides an understanding of how the past has shaped the present day. We can gain insight into why certain countries have become powerful and why some have remained in poverty.....
9. Studying History Inspires A Sense Of Pride
Studying history can inspire a sense of pride in our country and culture. We can learn about the contributions made by people from different backgrounds throughout history and gain an appreciation for the progress that has been achieved.
This helps to create a shared identity between individuals and provides them with something to be proud of. It also encourages people to take action and contribute to a better future for everyone.
10. It Enhances Cultural Awareness
Studying history can enhance our cultural awareness as it helps us to understand the beliefs and values of different cultures throughout the world. We learn about how different societies have evolved over time and gain an appreciation for their unique customs and traditions....
11. It Promotes Curiosity and Critical Thinking
Studying history promotes curiosity and critical thinking, as it encourages students to ask questions and analyze evidence in order to form their own conclusions. This helps them to develop analytical skills and become more inquisitive about the world around them....
12. Studying History Teaches Lessons in Life
Studying history teaches us valuable lessons about life. We learn that things don’t always go as planned and that it’s important to remain resilient when faced with adversity.....
13. Studying History Builds A Connection To The Past
Studying history helps us to build a connection to the past as we gain an understanding of how our ancestors lived and worked. This helps us to recognize the legacy of our predecessors and recognize the sacrifices they made in order to improve life for future generations.....
14. It Strengthens Analytical Skills
Studying history strengthens analytical skills and encourages students to think critically about the past. This helps them to interpret data, recognize patterns, and draw conclusions based on evidence. It also requires students to use logic and reasoning in order to come up with solutions to complex problems....
15. Studying History Encourages Creativity
Studying history encourages creativity, as it gives us the opportunity to explore different ideas and come up with creative solutions. It also allows us to analyze the successes and failures of the past and come up with innovative solutions to current problems.
16. It Provides A Sense Of Belonging
Studying history provides a sense of belonging, as it connects us to our ancestors and allows us to explore the stories of those who came before us. This helps us to recognize how much we have in common with people from different cultures and understand the contributions they made to society.
By studying history, we can gain a deeper appreciation for our heritage and develop a stronger sense of identity. This helps to create a positive culture and encourages us all to come together in celebration of our shared history.
CURIOUS DESIRE : https://curiousdesire.com/importance-of-studying-history/#google_vignette
MOOC.ORG : https://www.mooc.org/blog/why-is-it-important-to-study-history
SCOTLAND'S PEOPLE : https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MADISON : Department of History. : https://history.wisc.edu/undergraduate-program/why-history/
WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE HERITAGE CENTRES : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/libraries/archives-family-history/family-history/trace-your-family-history/#