WAR : MINE WATCHER'S POSTS, River Clyde, near Bowling Harbour & The Saltings below the Erskine Bridge
ACCESS : Easy, with care. Subject to littering.
If you visit the basin at the western end of the Forth and Clyde Canal at Bowling, you will be able to easily watch the few passing ships from the basin wall. But if you leave that at walk onto the rough shore just very slightly upstream, you will come to a small brick and concrete building that appears to be about to topple into the river. This is actually a mine watchers post. A place to watch for suspicious objects drifting into the sea lanes of the Clyde with the changing tides during WWII. It was one of a chain of such posts that stretched from Greenock to Glasgow. When built they were given basic slab foundations on the sandy mud. Over time the river has eroded that mud and most of these posts now tip over at angles.
CANMORE : https://canmore.org.uk/site/320143/bowling-mine-watchers-post
This one is on the shore towards the end of Dulnottar Burn where it reaches the Clyde.
CANMORE : https://canmore.org.uk/site/350641/river-clyde-old-kilpatrick
This one is much the same, but is reached by going onto the shore near where the Erskine Bridge towers overhead.
CANMORE : https://canmore.org.uk/site/350261/river-clyde-erskine-bridge
SECRET SCOTLAND website : https://www.secretscotland.org.uk/index.php/Secrets/ClydeMinewatchersPosts