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DUMBARTON JOINT HOSPITAL, Cardross Road, Dumbarton

ACCESS : Not internal access. 


This facility is managed by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. It has served various functions and currently provides geriatric care with some wards specialising in dementia and other mental health difficulties. It is home to the Cairnmhor Resource Centre, the base for the community mental health team for older people in the Dumbarton, Alexandria and Helensburgh area, including those with dementia. Its location on terraced terrain west of the town was chosen because of the fresh air and relative isolation at the time.

The buildings are of grey stone with an almost traditional look about them that hints at an age even older than they really are. The main block is prominent above Cardross Road, Those behind and adjacent to it are slightly later. Some demolition of other buildings has occurred as the facility has adjusted to changing needs.  

That main building was designed by John McLean Crawford (1854-1950), and was established as an infectious diseases hospital in 1898. Other buildings in a similar style were added as well as some that were less fitting. Some of these have been demolished.

The hospital joined the National Health Service in 1948.

This layout is an extract from a map of 1914. © NLS as ref below.

HEALTHCARE IMPROVEMENT SCOTLAND website : http://www.healthcareimprovementscotland.org/our_work/inspecting_and_regulating_care/nhs_hospitals_and_services/nhs_greater_glasgow_and_clyde/dumbarton_joint_hospital.aspx

HISTORIC HOSPITALS website : https://historic-hospitals.com/gazetteer/dunbartonshire/#:~:text=DUMBARTON%20JOINT%20HOSPITAL,%20CARDROSS%20ROAD,%20DUMBARTON%20This%20substantial,the%20abundance%20of%20fresh%20air%20and%20necessary%20isolation.

Revised: 1914, Published: 1919. https://maps.nls.uk/view/82874262

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumbarton_Joint_Hospital


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