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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 13/01/2025.


This is a website packed with much information. However it has a very basic layout with divisions marked by ##########

  • The first section has INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION including how to use this website, Doors Open Days, the local history and heritage societies etc
  • The second, which is the bulk of the wesite content is about HISTORY AND PLACES around West Dunbartonshire. This is in alphabetical order. Some items have subsections.
  • The third - right towards the end - is about NATURE and has everything from birds to animals and plants to foraging and even muir management. This is in alphabetical order. Some items have subsections. 
  • The last section has a mix of GENERAL content from articles to acknowledgements not covered within the main content, resources etc.

Use the search box to make finding subjects easier. This is top right on a laptop or at the very bottom on a phone.



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