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FORGET-ME-NOT, WOOD : Myosotis sylvatica

Although not as prolific in West Dunbartonshire as other blue flowers, wood forget-me-not makes a striking appearance, usually on edges of ancient and wet woodlands and hedges. Its pretty azure-blue flowers look as if they have escaped from a garden. This is quite possible as they are popular in gardens too, sometimes as hybrids with water forget-me-nots. In their pure native form they are certainly more common south of the border than up here.

The wood forget-me-not has hairy stems and narrow, oval leaves. Clusters of five-petalled, azure-blue flowers, with white or orange centres, appear at the tops of the stems.

These are minute flowers. Don't get fooled by these macro shots.

NBN ATLAS SCOTLAND : https://scotland-species.nbnatlas.org/species/NHMSYS0000460822

WILDLIFE TRUSTS : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/wildflowers/wood-forget-me-not


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