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KILMARONOCK MANSE, alongside the Kilmaronock Parish Church, Old military Road. 

ACCESS : This is a private residence.

Listed C. 


This is a dignified double storey house befitting the role of manse for the Kilmaronock Parish Church alonside which it sits. 

It was built in 1804 to a rectangular plan although with substantial modern alterations. A rear wing transforms it to a L-plan. It is recorded as having rendered walls with painted ashlar marigns and dressings chamfred arrises and quoin strips. 

The rendering was not just dowdy, but potentially problematic and it was removed. The result is an elegant stone house.

The pictures below are a record of the premises before restoration. 

Two photos taken while still an active manse and before renovations for private use.

BRITISH LISTED BUILDINGS with map : https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/200339569-kilmaronock-manse-kilmaronock

HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SCOTLAND website for listed buildings : http://portal.historicenvironment.scot/designation/LB7622

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