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Designated parks, road verges and such like generally fall within the scope of the two local authorities - West Dunbarton Council and the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority - but there are some that confusingly seem to fall to other bodies too or perhaps between them. In this section some of the issues, particularly covered by the latter are discussed. This is an area in which the community can and should be involved.

You will see related subjects here :

BIODIVISERSITY AREAS : index.asp?pageid=734252

INVASIVE SPECIES : index.asp?pageid=732296

LITTER PICKING : index.asp?pageid=721880

This is the lawn behind some units in the Lomond Inudstrial Estate. Over a few years the Council has altered its mowing regime during the summer in other words limited it to the main corss routes used by walkers within the estate.

Numerous flowers and grasses prospered. A notable one has been the BUTTERFLY ORCHID. index.asp?pageid=732845. In the summer of 2023 about 4 or 5 were noted in this particular stretch of lawn. The next year there were 22. These would heva been denied if the mowing had continued across the whole area as before.

You simply cannot have this beautiful flower in an over maintained or grazed grassy area.

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