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There are a number of apps for your smart phone available. The most basic - and FREE- is Google Lens. Take photos as usual on your phone. Then look for the Google Photos icon. On opening it you will see all your recent photos. Now open the one that you wish to identify and use the LENS icon. It will search for matching pictures from the web. These may not necessarily be the exact match. Look through them to see what does look correct and follow through to find what is appropriate. 

There is a link to a Country Life article on wild flower identification below. While this is more orientated to south of the border, it can be quite useful.


The WOODLAND TRUST has a useful app which can be downloaded from their website here : https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/british-trees/how-to-identify-trees/


Getting to know the leaf types is key to identifying all plants. There are 3 basic groups, needle, simple and compound, but within these there is a myriad of other variations. There are a myriad of leaf forms. The links below are to websites with helpful descriptions and diagrams.

Below is a basic diagram most applicable to ferns.

Fern leaf / frond categories. 

COUNTRY LIFE : https://www.countrylife.co.uk/gardens/a-simple-guide-to-the-wildflowers-of-britain-71271

LEAFY PLACE : https://leafyplace.com/types-of-tree-leaves/

SCIENCING : https://sciencing.com/list-of-shapes-for-leaf-identification-12003791.html

TREE HUGGER : https://www.treehugger.com/id-trees-using-leaf-shape-venation-1343511

USDA website : https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/beauty/ferns/structure.shtml

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_leaf_morphology

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