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AUCHNACRAIG WOODLAND PARK, between Faifley and Cochno.

ACCESS : Easy access from Auchnacraig Road on the edge of Faifley or Cochno Road. Paths for walking or cycling. 

///upsetting.image.nodded and ///reveal.splints.decisions Entrances off Auchnacraig Road.

///fails.forgiving.rejoins Cochno carpark. 

This park is popular with walkers and cyclists. You may also encounter a motor cyclist or horserider. It is well known for its enigmatic cup and ring marked stones.

Also see COCHNO STONES index.asp?pageid=715987 

The park covers 44 hectares and ranges from grassland to trees with a range of flowers appearing seasonally. The Cochno Burn runs through it and has a boardwalk at one point to look for wildlife from it so avoiding much mud.

The seasons in the park are very constrasting so it is worth visiting in different conditions.

Two views in late winter before the first signs of spring have sprung.

A mid summer visit finds the vegetation lush. There are still many wild flowers.

The Cochno Burn gurgles over a number of small cascades.

Mid May and the cascade and pool are very beautiful.

There is a viewpoint from the boardwalk over a pond and boggy area lower down. You can see various birds, insects, perhaps some amphibians. Plants such as yellow flag iris and horse tail grow around it.

One of the wooded paths.

GEOGRAPH.ORG : https://www.geograph.org.uk/stuff/list.php?label=Auchnacraig+Woodland+Park&gridref=NS5073

WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/parks-and-greenspaces/woodlands/auchnacraig-woodland-park/

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