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For the 2024 / 2025 programme see index.asp?pageid=715655


The Lennox Heritage Society was named after the historical area in which it is centred. This includes the present day local authority area of West Dunbartonshire and the town of Dumbarton in which it has its meetings. It is a local community group that has been meeting for many years. The main aim of the group is to study and celebrate the rich culture, heritage and history of West Dunbartonshire and beyond.

We meet on a monthly basis from September to April and host talks and presentations by invited speakers. Meetings take place in the Concord Centre in central Dumbarton (next to the Denny Civic Theatre) and start at 7.30 pm. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available from about 7.00 pm at the cost of 40p per person. A chance to chat to like minded folk.

Outings are held in May. 

Our programme is available online on our website and social media pages as per the links provided and also summarised below. 

New members are always welcome but if you prefer not to become a member, perhaps because you are interested in a subject, individual sessions may be attended at the cost of £2 per talk.

The historical "Lennox" area of which is described in the Wiki link below. 

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/lennoxheritagesociety

WEBSITE : https://lennoxheritagesociet.wixsite.com/lennox-heritage-

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lennox


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