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LOOSESTRIFE - YELLOW : Lysimachia vulgaris

Known as yellow loosestrife or garden loosetrife. 

Also see the purple loosestrife index.asp?pageid=732598

The generic name of Lysimachia means ‘ending strife’ and is derived from Lysimachus who was a King of Thrace, Asia Minor and Macedon. He was also an army leader under Alexander the Great. The specific epithet vulgaris means common, or usual. [Wiki]. 

It is a native to Eurasia, as far West as Ireland where it is frequent to locally common, and North Africa. 

Like many other plants in the genus Lysimachia, yellow loosestrife has historically been valued for its medicinal properties and is still sometimes used today in traditional folk medicine by some eastern cultures. It has been used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent as well as for treating fever, wounds, ulcers, and diarrhoea. [Wiki]. 

Some yellow loosestrife seen in August. Photos taken at the Helensburgh skating pond.

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysimachia_vulgaris

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