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ACCESS : See access to Inchmurrin itself. There are several walks on the island, but this site is not discernable to any but the archaeologist. 


The name of Inchmurrin comes from the name of the island of St Mirren. This also spelt Mirin, Merinus, Merryn and Meadhrán. And he was sometimes known as Mirren of Benchor (now called Bangor). As the patron saint of the town and Roman Catholic diocese of Paisley, he is considered the founder of a religious community which grew to become Paisley Abbey. The spelling with Mirren has become frequently used due to its association with the Paisley based football club which bears his name.

Saint Mirin or Mirren, was a Catholic monk and missionary from Ireland from about 565 until about 620. This makes hum a contemporary of Saint Columba of Iona. He was prior of Bangor Abbey in County Down, Ireland before making his missionary voyage to Scotland. He is venerated in both Ireland and Scotland and in the Orthodox tradition.

To identify a chapel or site thereof assciated with him is therefore very significant. Trying to pinpoint that site though is difficult and to date is more down to speculation based on old records.

Canmore tells us that such records note that St Mirren's Chapel stands in ruins of Inchmurrin and is probably of much older date than the castle erected there by the Earls of Lennox. Those ruins have since been subsumed by vegetation and time with rocks possibly being reused elsewhere. The exact spot now open to speculation. Perhaps one day archaeological investigation will resolve this dilemma; and that regarding the location of its associated burial ground. 

A clue is an old reference to a chapel dedicated to St Mirren once seen near the castle. That is relative. It is thought to have been on a rise near the centre of the island, but within view of the small castle which still stands in ruined state to the western end.

What records there are describe a small enclosure about 15m square with walls 2m thick and 0.5m high. Tantalising. 

CANMORE : https://canmore.org.uk/site/42465/loch-lomond-inchmurrin-st-mirrens-chapel

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Mirin

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