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Ivy-leafed TOADFLAX : Cymbalaria muralis

Also called  Kenilworth ivy.

Ivy-leaved toadflax is not a native species to the UK, but is now considered naturalised, having been here for several hundred years.

It is a small, perennial herb that is often found growing in cracks in stone walls and has become a familiar sight around West Dunbartonshire.

Look closely and you will notice that its tiny, mauve flowers with white and yellow bulges resemble those of a snapdragon. It has reddish stems. 

RHS : https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/57492/cymbalaria-muralis/details

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cymbalaria_muralis

WILDLIFE TRUSTS : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/wildflowers/ivy-leaved-toadflax

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