WILD CHERRY TREE : Prunus avium
Not to be confused with bird cherry index.asp?pageid=732577
By July the white blossoms are a distant memory, but these are being replaced by the iconic red cherrie.
Accirding to the Woodland Trust Cherry trees are hermaphrodite, meaning the male and female reproductive parts are found in the same flower. Flowers, measuring 8–15mm across appear in April and are white and cup-shaped, with five petals. They hang in clusters of two to six. Well they should hang in clusters. First fruits are often ransacked before they are red and ripe so it is not uncommon to find single fuits.
The spring flowers provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees; while the cherries are eaten by birds, including the blackbird and song thrush; as well as mammals, such as the badger, wood mouse, yellow-necked mouse and dormouse. The foliage is the main food plant for caterpillars of many species of moth, including the cherry fruit and cherry bark moths, the orchard ermine, brimstone and short-cloaked moth.
Not looking all that wild within the Lomond Industrial Estate, this fine tree nevertheless produces a fine crop of cherries annually.
A single tantalising not quite red cherry in the second week of July. This tree stands within the Lomond Industrial Estate. No "clusters" were more than 2 at this time.
WOODLAND TRUST : https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/british-trees/a-z-of-british-trees/wild-cherry/