TULLICHEWAN HOTEL, also known as the Tullie Inn, Balloch Road, Balloch, G83 8SW.
ACCESS : This is a commercial hotel, restaurant and pub.
Listed C.
This popular inn was built in 1893. It was listed C because of its architectural qualities identified as an Arts and Crafts villa [HES]. It still retains some of that quality in spite of accretions of later additions and modifications, what HES refer to as a number of out-of-character additions. Prominent features include red tile-hung cladding to the upper floor that are similar to the roofing material and mock half-timbered bracketted gables.
The quaint wayside inn atmosphere that it once had, has been somewhat lost with the extensions and modifications to meet the needs of today's market and clientele, but the main addition, that of an almost completely glass section at the front does allow views through it to the original frontage.
The Tullie today as seen from the bridge.
BRITISH LISTED BUILDINGS : https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/200389625-tullichewan-hotel-balloch-road-balloch-bonhill#.X_ROrTRxdPY
WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL website : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/libraries/archives-family-history/archive-photograph-of-the-month/archive-photos-2018/tullichewan-hotel-and-balloch-bridge/