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There are approximately 9,000 wasp species to be found in the UK so indentifying one accurately is likely to be difficult. Added to that is the variation in pattern between the males, queens and workers.

Not to be confused with hoverflies.

Adult wasps don’t need much protein (the bugs they prey on are for the developing brood in the nest) but they do need sugar, which they get in the form of nectar from flowers. In the process of finding it, the wasps pick up and transfer pollen from flower to flower. Unlike many bees, wasps don’t mind what flowers they visit – as generalist pollinators they’re more abundant than bees in degraded or fragmented habitats and so are important ‘back-up’ pollinators in these areas. [Countryfile].

COMMON WASP : Vespula vulgaris

The abdomen of this wasp has small spots on the yellow bands. 

Common wasps live in communities in cavities that they find in natural environments or even man-made ones. There are two such hives in the same wall in the Lomond Industrial area. Taking close up photos on plants has little danger as they generally don't feel threatened. taking close up photos at a hive is a different matter. If they feel threatened or are disturbed they will inflict a painful sting. The more wasps, the more stings.

BUG LIFE : https://www.buglife.org.uk/bugs/bug-directory/common-wasp/#:~:text=The%20Common%20wasp%20%28%20Vespula%20vulgaris%29%20is%20found,wasp%20they%20are%20easily%20identified%20by%20most%20people.

COUNTRYFILE website : useful identification guide foe some species. https://www.countryfile.com/wildlife/insects-invertebrates/british-wasp-guide-how-to-identify-common-species-lifecycle-and-why-wasps-sting-in-autumn/

WOODLAND TRUST : https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/animals/bees-wasps-and-ants/common-wasp/

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