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CREEPING CINQUEFOIL : Potentilla reptans 

The example here was found on the pebble shore of Loch Lomond within the RSPB reserve. This makes one wonder how it got here, but it is thriving in clumps just above the high water level. The UK Wildflower website says : Potentilla reptans is very common throughout England, Wales and Ireland but records start to become fewer as you venture past the industrial belt in Scotland. There is very little to be found in the Highlands or the far north of Scotland. But the The National Biodiversity Network records as shown their map on the nature Spot website this does indeed occur here, even if sparsely. 

Nature Spot also describes it as a Low, creeping, invasive plant with long trailing shoots that root at the nodes. Leaves with 5 or 7 leaflets, oblong and toothed. Flowers yellow, 17 to 25 mm, solitary with 5 petals.

Creeping cinquefoil as seen on the shores of Loch Lomond (June 2023).

NATURESPOT : https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/creeping-cinquefoil

UK WILDFLOWERS : https://www.ukwildflowers.com/Web_pages/potentilla_reptans_creeping_cinquefoil.htm

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