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Seals are not a common sight in the waters of West Dunbartonshire, but they do occur in the Firth of Clyde and sometimes come up the Clyde and even the Leven. There are some that regularly visit across the Clyde from here, perhaps attracted by returning fishing boats, and these may ocsasionlly be seen hauled up on the rocks at low tide at Ardmore Point. So whne one does appear in the mouth of the Leven at Dumbarton, it creates quite some interest. Just ever so often, one of these may even venture upstream. Some years ago, such a seal got as far as the barrage on the Leven. Attempts were made to catch it, perhaps through altruistic intentions, but more likely feeling that it would be too competitive with the anglers there. Some even threatened to shoot it. But the seal eluded all attempts. It is thought to have entered the wide waters of Loch Lomond, but being a salt water creatures, to have later headed back to sea.

Seals quite far up the Clyde and into Glasgow are surprisingly common.

It is difficult to tell which type of seal these are: the grey seal is larger than the harbour seal, but colouring varies, particularly when wet and at a distance and it is the younger ones that are perhaps more adventurous. 

BBC : Seal in the Leven. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/2961081.stm

THE WILDLIFE TRUSTS : Common seal : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/marine/marine-mammals-and-sea-turtles/common-seal 

Grey seal : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/marine/marine-mammals-and-sea-turtles/grey-seal

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