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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 13/01/2025.


EUROPEAN FOX : This is our native species. While its fur is generally reddish-brown, this can vary, Its chest is paler and it has a white-tipped tail, called a brush. Its nose and ears are distinctlively pointed. 

Foxes are widespread and quite common throughout West Dunbartonshire as in the rest of Britain. They have become urbanised and used to people in the larger cities where are they are frequently seen scavanging. Out here they are less often seen, perhaps because they have more natural cover.

They are most active at dusk and during the night, searching alone for food. Urban areas offer a range of easily accessed discarded food, but their natural diet comprises insects, earthworms, fruit, berries, birds, small mammals and carrion. While usually seen alone, they tend to live in family groups of one dog, one vixen and her cubs and a few female helpers from previous litters.

The family has several lairs and one or more breeding dens, or earths, within their territory. Females give birth to four to seven cubs between March and May.

Foxes make a variety of calls - very unlike dogs. They are noctural animals so you may hear them at night. They tend to "scream" although some have likened them to night birds. if in distress, such as when fighting, they may even sound like a baby crying.

A beautiful adult fox near Renton.

Foxes may be wary of people, but quite happy amongst livestock.

One of four fox cubs darting through a garden near Renton.They were being called by their mother with sharp cough-like barks.

NATURE SCOTLAND : https://www.nature.scot/plants-animals-and-fungi/mammals/land-mammals/other-carnivores/fox

SCOTTISH RSPB : https://www.scottishspca.org/advice/wildlife/land/foxes

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