CANADA GEESE : Branta canadensis
Although not as large as the Greylag Goose, it is nevertheless rather a large bird with distinctive black head and neck and large white throat patch. They should not be confused with the barnacle goose. Having been introduced species from North America, it has successfully spread to cover most of the UK. It forms noisy flocks and is often regarded as a nuisance in areas where large numbers occur on amenity grassland and parks. Although it does congregate in large flocks which arrive and depart seasonally in specific locations, it is considered a permanent resident.
They eat roots, grass, leaves and seeds.
A mature canada goose.
This appears to be an immature Canada goose. The colouration is not yet quite as distinctive. (Photo taken at Brodie Castle).
Hey. You looking at me?
Resting the legs, one at a time.
Its a warm day in June and mum and dad Canada Goose stand guard over 3 goslings who are already a few weeks old.
The Carman Reservoir wall is a great vantage point to survey their new world. Nearby nearly 40 greylags are being boisterous, but as they grow up they also grow more confident about standing up to their larger neighbours of a different species.
Good place to see them : Carman Reservoir.
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