The following is provided by the Scottish Civic Trust who coordinate Doors Open Days across Scotland. You can find it all on the national Doors Open Days website :
It is not necessary for all participants, whether they be venues or event providers, to read all of this, but it may inspire you. As regional coordinator for West Dunbartonshire, I, Jeremy Watson, will be making direct contact with all of you and will ensure that you are aware of the relevant documents.
On the other hand, if you are a potential visitor you will be assured that this programme is suitably organised right through from the publicity to your personal safety.
A handbook is also issued to all regional coordindators and meeting held on a regular basis from early in the year.
European Heritage Days theme
As noted elsewhere, Doors Open Days across Scotland ties in with the European Heritage Days. The 2024 shared theme is Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections. At the heart of this theme is the notion that our heritage, in both its tangible and intangible forms, has much to tell us about how peoples, communities, countries and cultures have long been connected, and how they continue to be, through common values, shared practices and a desire to protect and share the stories and places that make up our individual and collective histories.
TAKING PART IN DOORS OPEN DAYS - Unlock Scotland's Heritage.
This gives a good overview of what Doors Open Days is all about and why you should participate.
VENUE INVITATION / VENUE CANVASSING : This is more for the regional organisers, but may be worth while reading if you are a venue or even an event organiser.
APPLICATION FORM : All venues and events require to fill out this form or have the regional organiser do so for them. (This link takes you to a pdf, but it can be provided in Word or similar if required).
To take part in Doors Open Days participants must fill in an application form which is supplied by either the associated Regional Coordinator or by the Doors Open Days National Coordinator.
The details provided on the application form allow your venue to be listed on our website, in any printed promotional materials, and in our social media posts. This information is collected and used based on your consent given by returning a completed application form.
The confidential information supplied (the first section of the form) will only be seen by the Regional Coordinator (if applicable) and the Doors Open Days National Coordinator. Consent will be
Details of the venue and event will be held in perpetuity as a record of Doors Open Days.
If you require more information about how your information will be used or stored, please contact the National Coordinator by emailing
RISK ASSESSMENTS : While it is useful for all of our venues to have prepared these, in almost every case you will already have one which is tied in with your public liability insurance. We simply need confirmation that this is the case. But if you are providing a venue or event outwith a public building, this will be required. I can help you with this. It is usualy very straight forward. [Such as noting trip hazards and warning visitors not to fall in the river. If you are on a walk, this can be covered by a preliminary talk about what to expect. All walk groups should be kept within easy view of the leader or a second leader appointed to watch out for pitfalls.
Advice : documents/dod-24/dod-risk-assessment-advice.pdf
The form : documents/dod-24/dod-risk-assessment-form.pdf
COMMUNITY GUIDELINES :Some straight forward advice and inspiration.
Our Doors Open Days are held nationally, but in turn fall within the European Heritage Days initiatives. We have a small programme locally compared to many larger centres. Ideally programmes should follow a theme to make them vary from year to year. The following are documents along these lines. The first is the full document, while the second is a concise version. It is worthwhile having a peep at these.
I will be compiling a flyer in due course once we have the venues and events confirmed. This will be distributed across West Dunbartonshire. As last time, it will be in the form of an A5 card with on one side, the basic information and two QR codes; and on the other, a list of venues and events.
The QR codes together with written online adresses, take you to the national Doors Open Days website on which our programme is included alongside the others across Scotland, and to this EXPLORE WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE website.
This will also be covered in the local print media and online social meda. You are encouraged to promote your own participation if you have a website and / social media.
The well recognised manner of identifying a venue is with the large blue banner which can be used horizontally or vertically. Venues need to purchase their own at +-£50 each. However many of you aleady have one from previous years. I also have a few to loan out.
But it is not necessary to spend this kind of money. Many venues are recognised charities and may baulk at this. So there are other ways of identifying your venues on the day. We can supply materials through the SCT which include a small flag, weatherproof festooning, balloons, stickers and an A3 poster etc.
The SCT as national coordinators require feedback from participants in order to substantiate the funding they get. Nearer the time, you will be provided with assessment forms. While this can be onerous on a detailed level, it is also very useful. We should at least have records of the number of volunteers / staff and visitors on the day.
Visitors are also encouraged to provide feedback and the online form includes a chance to win a £50 shopping voucher. There is a small poster to this effect which you can print our and display.
There is also a photographic competition for visitors.
The logo which you will probably be famliar with, that of DOORS OPEN DAYS 2024, is copyrighted, along with any European Heritage Days material. We are licenced to use these within the bounds of the Doors Open Days programme. You are welcome as a venue to copy such logos onto online promotional posts, but cannot reuse it elswhere or at other times of the year.