There are two types found in Scotland. The Scottish Dock and the Broad Leaf Dock.
BROAD LEAF DOCK : Rumex obtusifolius
The type that we get locally is Broad Leaved Dock.
This is a very common plant often found alongside paths, near water, almost any disturbed ground and even uninvited in our gardens. It is well known as a remedy for stinging nettle irritations. See index.asp?pageid=731574
There are contradicting references online to it being toxic and a problem or not. The RHS note that : Boiled dock leaves were used as pig food and fallow deer are particularly fond of the leaves. The leaves have also been used to wrap cheese and butter, hence the name butter-dock. A widespread practice that continues to the present day is to encourage children to use dock leaves to soothe the sting from nettles.
These leaves are edible and used for herbal remedies and dyeing.
The reputation for it being a problem are due to its oxalic acid content, but only if consumed in quantities. Some animals may avoid it, but others like it.
Both cats and dogs find it poisonous, but then their metabolisms are not designed for consumption of plants such as this. Typical symptoms include coma, drooling, kidney failure, loss of appetite, salivation and tremors.
Dock is a herbaceous perennial plant, a member of in the family Polygonaceae. It is used as salad vegetable or garden herb com monly cultivated in grassland habitats. It could grow up to 24 inches deep rooted roots, juicy stems and arrow-shaped leaves.
While it can be attractive in a natural setting, it is usually problematic in a garden. The tall perennial flower spikes appear from June to October. In a garden though what appears as a tall stem with numerous clusters of reddish-brown flowers that turn into seeds has its counterpoise below the surface as a deep tap root that is very difficult to remove.
The leaves are fairly large and have reddish veins as do the stalks.
Early June and the dock is in flower.
The change from flowers to seeds is almost imperceptible.
SCOTTISH DOCK : Rumex aquaticus
Also known as: Water dock, Western dock
This differs from the Common Dock in that it is more papery in texture and usually found when slightly reddich brown. It prefers the edges of wet areas such as marshes, but is also found away from them. It is a perennial that is pollinated by the wind. Like the common dock there is some confusion about its toxicity. This one contains high amounts of oxalic acid, which can cause nausea when consumed. The plant has been used to make dyes and as a cleaning agent.