WOOD AVENS : Geum urbanum
Also known as clove root, herb Bennet, colewort and St. Benedict's herb.
At a glance this may be confused with a buttercup, but it is very much smaller. index.asp?pageid=732086
This is a perennial plant belonging the rose family (Rosaceae). It grows in shady places such as this example which was found on the fringes of Fishers Wood. The flowers have been compared to those of the strawberry except are yellow.
The botanical name, Geum, is derived from the Greek word Geno, which means “pleasant fragrance”. Urbanum means “of the city”.
Totally Wild notes that they have been used to treat dog bites, liver disease, chest infections, gastric upsets, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, toothache, halitosis and heart disease.
A wood aven pushes through amongst several other contrasting plants on the verges of Fishers Wood.
TOTALLY WILD : https://totallywilduk.co.uk/2020/04/29/identify-wood-avens/
WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geum_urbanum