This refers to the remains of a farm house within what is now Upper Dalquhurn Farm immediately above Renton.
ACCESS : The track here passes through an active cattle farm and due responsibility and care are required. To get here, walk up through Craigandro Wood (The Hundred Steps path to Carman Muir is further up). But take the track to the left.
This was a farm house, but little remains to be seen today except the very vague outlines of some walls and some scattered masonry. It is but one of many such rural cottages and other buildings that all but diappeard as the occupants were enticed into the developing urban areas below by better services and jobs. So often the stone would have been taken down and used elsewhere.
A reference in the Scottish Census of 1881 notes a "family of Reddochs living in Old Dalquhurn Farm Cardross, Dumbarton, Scotland.: They include Ann - age 3 John- age 6 Mary - age 36 Oliver - age 31"
Not much to see, but there are these tell-signs.
Lairich Rig :