NIPPLEWORT : Lapsana communis
The advent of summer also produces a procession of flowers of different kinds, but within a certain colour scheme. By mid-June we have come to expect bright yellows amongst pure whites. This one is so much like the dandelion flower that by the time it arrives and the dandelion has long gone. it is hadly noticed.
UK Wildflowers tells us that :
It was once assumed that this plant could cure the ulcers which appeared near women's breasts and the name Papillaris was attributed to the plant. The translation of this into Nipplewort is what gave the plant its name and it stuck as the bare buds look a bit like nipples.
Lapsana communis is found throughout the British Isles and Ireland only becoming a little scarce in the high mountainous areas of Scotland. it is an introduced species from mainland Europe. Our example was found on the Leven towpath in mid-June.
Still doing very well in mid-summer.
Also see : HAWKWEED : index.asp?pageid=732540