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ROWAN TREE : sorbus aucuparia

This small to medium size tree is almost symbolic of autumn as its bright red berries celebrate the arrival of aumtumn. Other deciduous trees may be showing signs of turning red or gold and losing their leaves, but the rowan keeps going. 

Its leaf stalks with up to a dozen over leaves with serated edges are the backdrop to generous bunches of its berries much favoured by birds. Earlier in the year it had creamy white flowers. 

The rowan is found in a variety of environments from mountains to the edges of muirland and woods as well as urban settings. It can grow at higher altitudes than any other native British tree and has been known to grow at heights up to 1000m in the Highlands. [Wildlife Trust]. The Forestry and Land website tells us of a specific well known tree on Rannoch Muir. You may well have noticed it.: A solitary rowan tree stands defiant on windswept Rannoch Moor, just visible from the busy A82 between Glen Coe and Bridge of Orchy. Its roots cling to a giant, lichen-covered boulder and its weathered crown testifies to its resilience against harsh conditions. Experts believe the survival of this specimen is due to its elevated position - beyond the reach of hungry sheep and deer.

Anyway, more locally, the rowan is quite a common sight cheerfully brightening up our gardens and parks.

Red rowan berries in the first week of October.

FORESTRY AND LAND : https://forestryandland.gov.scot/learn/trees/rowan

SCOTTISH WILDLIFE TRUST : https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/species/rowan/

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