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ACCESS : There is no access to the church, which is now a ruin and fenced off, but the small church yard is readily accessible. 

Listed A.


As with so many cemetries, particularly those of abandoned churches, there are a great number of damaged and collapsed tombstones. The churchyard is maintained by the council at least as far as the grass is mowed. It has some interesting tombstones including two of Robert Burns' nieces.  

Quite what the future of this is remains to be seen. There are no viable suggestions at the moment.

Also see : MILBURN CHURCH. index.asp?pageid=715948

Heavy creeper growth has been cut back, but not fully removed, possibly to avoid destabilising the stone further.

BRITISH LISTED BUILDINGS : http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/200331674-renton-main-street-millburn-church-cardross#.WOv_nqFrjIU

BUILDINGS AT RISK REGISTER FOR SCOTLAND :  http://www.buildingsatrisk.org.uk/details/899585

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millburn_Church church; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thomas_Rochead architect.

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