ACCESS : Easy to get to, but little to see. The footpath from Bonhill Bridge and Bonhill Parish Church runs right through to Dillichip Loan.
///inhabited.crab.cowboys Approximate location.
This small works was roughly just south / downstream of where Glebe Gardens is now and upstream from the Dillichip site. The site is approached from the pleasandt footpath, but all that you find now are trees. There are just a very few possible remnants of buildings in the form of moss covered rocks.
Compared to the size of other such works in the Vale, this is extremely small, but then it was one of the first.
This small works was just upstream from the Dillichip works. You can walk from that to the Bonhill Bridge on a good path along the riverbank. There is nothing to see of the site, but there are some clues which can also be made out on this map. One is the manor house very close to the works. Another is the path or track that leads down to the riverbank. The area between all these is shown open, but now forms a large depression.
Reproduced with permission. NLS ©
We see a bit more detail in this map of 1959, but few indications of what the buildings are. In the centre is Kirkland Cottage with the unrelated Free Church Manse to the right. There is a small well to the left near the Leven.
Reproduced with permission. NLS ©
This is the riverbank path looking downstream with the Leven to the right. The works site was immediately to the left.
All the works structures have been removed, but these moss covered lumps include fallen trees and some building stones.
The manor, Kirkland House, can be glimpsed above the site.
A view from within the site back towards the river.
COLOURING THE NATION - Wordpress - Project run by the University of Edinburgh and the National Museums Scotland : https://colouringthenation.wordpress.com/turkey-red-in-scotland/
NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (NLS) : The maps here are reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland.
Alexandria - Sheet XVIII.9.25. Surveyed: [1859], https://maps.nls.uk/view/74415046
1860 : Archive title : " Dumbartonshire, Sheet XVIII (includes: Bonhill; Dumbarton; Kilmar... Survey date: 1860 , Publication date: 1864". https://maps.nls.uk/view/74426619
1914 : Archive title : "Dumbartonshire Sheet nXVIII (includes: Bonhill; Cardross; Dumbart. Date revised: 1914, Publication date: 1923" : https://maps.nls.uk/view/75827346
NATIONAL MUSEUMS SCOLAND : https://blog.nms.ac.uk/2012/06/22/turkey-red-a-study-in-scarlet/
VALE OF LEVEN PROJECT website : http://www.valeofleven.org.uk/valeindustry3.html
WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL : Textile Industry in the Vale of Leven. https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/museums-and-galleries/collections/industry/textiles-and-mills/ and The River Leven Heritage Trail . https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/media/2619077/vale_of_leven.pdf
WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_red