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ACCESS : This is accessible mainly from the following three points off Pier Road, Ben Lomond Way and the Ben Lomond Way overflow carpark. Beyond is Lomond Shores so you can combine a visit there with a walk around here.




These woods are a valuable green space bound by the commercial facilities at Lomond Shores to the north and commercial and residential development to the south and west while also linking through to the River Leven and its footpaths. (not ot be confused with woodland walks from Lomond Shores to Loch Lomond See index.asp?pageid=715974). It is a great place to walk or ride a bike amidst tall trees and watch for a variety of birds and other wildlife. How about having a picnic there. Take only photographs - Leave only footprints. 

This suprisingly varied area has a fairly level path so is easy walking, yet undulates into larger dips and mounds in some parts for the more adventurous. [Why, oh why, does that have to be pointed out with a fence with garish signage?]. 

The woods are so often bypassed and forgotten by many visitors to Lomond Shores, but the locals enjoy them and love them. The threat to the future of the woods under potential development has spurred a Friends of Drumkinnon Woods group which have a FaceBook page as noted below.

Photos taken in February 2022.

If you refer to TURKEY RED : 1- BRITISH SILK DYERS, index.asp?pageid=719258  you will see an extract from an old map that shows these woods just north of where the works were.


Click for Map
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