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RUFUS MILKCAP : Lactarius rufus

Lactarius rufus is a common, medium-sized mushroom. As its botanical name suggests, it is a milkcap and reddish brown. It usually grows amongst pine trees, but can also appear with birch, conifer, or spruce. It is found across Europe and North America.

It is NOT recommended for consumption as it contains poisonous toxins which cause gastric upset. There is some confusion abut this there may be variations in its preparation or perhaps subspecies according to where it is found.  It is eaten in Scandinavian countries after canning and it is one of the most common wild mushrooms harvested for food in Finland. But better be safe than sorry. Avoid eating it.

A mass of rufus milkap in a lawn in Cardross.

NATURESPOT : https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/rufous-milkcap

WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactarius_rufus

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