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ST ANDREW'S CHURCHYARD, Main Road, Alexandria.

ACCESS : Currently vacant. The churhyard is locked up. The church was seriously damaged by fire and subsequently demolished in the autumn of 2022.

B listed.


Also see : ST ANDREW'S CHURCH and SMOLLETT MAUSOLEUM. index.asp?pageid=717443

The churchyard is listed together with St Andrew's Church, but deserves a closer look in its own right. A key feature is the Smollett Mausoleum which is located on the rear boundary wall, but there are also several other tombstones of interest. 

A significant event was the combined damage to the church itself in 2022, after which the church was demolished. While that has been a great loss, the churchyard in at leaast some ways has gained some new prominence.

As with so many cemetries, and in particular those of vacated churches, there is a high proportion of damaged tombstones. Even the Smollett Mausoleum against the rear is suffering badly. Note the "tombstones" made of cast iron.

A general view down the north side.

That is the Smollett Mausoleum in the background.

These are along the north boundary wall backing onto the Co-Op.

These are along the side boundary wall with Church Street.

The iron tombstones are also susceptible to severe damage. 

After the demolition of the church, the churchyard can be seen more clearly. Somehow the Smollett Mausoleum at the far end of the churchyard has been left to deteriorate further. It should be noted that the premises are in private ownership and the responsibility for conservation a heavy burden, particularly in the light of the demise of the church itself. 

Two photos taken during a freezing fog in late 2022.

BRITISH LISTED BUILDINGS with map: https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/200331583-churchyard-bonhill-old-parish-church-main-street-bonhill-bonhill

HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SCOTLAND website for listed buildings : http://portal.historicenvironment.scot/designation/LB1136



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