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It is intended that the council and others address invasive plants within West Dunbartonshire. You can copy the /// words into the what3words search line. Those in red are "live" versions of the same references and should enable you to go directly to the locations on the what3words map simply by pressing them.

Also see JAPANESE KNOTWEED : index.asp?pageid=732740

and INVASIVE SPECIES OF PLANT : index.asp?pageid=732296

The following locations of japanese knotweed have been noted by volunteers within the Vale of Leven : 

July /  August 2024

Those above are all on the west side of the Leven and on the riverbank.

This is an approximate location of a very large stand of japanese knotweed on the east side of the river. This reference needs to be further clarified over the whole area. It is very significant in other ways too. All those plants recorded above are downstream of it or opposite, the seeds being transferred by current or wind or wildlife.



This location is on that part of Bowie Road where it links Lomond Industrial Estate with India Street, Alexandria. It is no longer accessible to vehicles, but is popular with walkers. The japanese knotweed found here protrudes through the distillery fence. 



This stand of japanese knotwood forms part of a cluster of shrubs near the Renton footbridge - west side. The grass around it is mowed by the Council. The other shrubs have evidently been planted. It is presumed that seeds of knotweed arrived by wildlife or wind. As it is of moderate size and not at maximum size, it is very unlikely it was planted here years ago before this species became known as a threat. It is faced by a very small carpark adjacent to 170 Main Street which is sheltered housing. There is a communal recycle bin cluster in the carpark.


Further unplotted stands have been seen between here and Dalreoch Station.

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