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BEARDMORE HOUSE, 631 Dumbarton Road, Dalmuir, G81 4EU,

ACCESS : These are the offices of the Dalmuir Park Housing Association. 


This building was built for the Old Kilpatrick Parochial Board. which began meeting there in 1893. That became the Dalmuir Parish Council Offices. The Parish Council had its inaugural meeting there in May 1895. Today it is known as Beardmore House and is the home of the Dalmuir Park Housing Association. [Clydebank Heritage Trail].

The building has some interesting stained glass. One window, that on the stair landing, celebrates the then nearby Beardmore "Naval Construction Works - Dalmuir". A model of a Dreadnought warship sits before it. On the mantelpiece of a fireplace is the maquette of the Beardmore Sculpture that stands nearby. 

Also see : BEARDMORE SCULPTURE index.asp?pageid=716765

Some views of the Dumbarton Road facade.

The front entrance stained glass.

Two views of the stair landing with the stained glass window.

Some nice internal detailing including a ceiling vent (modern attachment).

A hearth mantelpiece with a maquette of the Beardmore Sculpture.


WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL : Clydebank Heritage Trail : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/media/2619058/clydebank.pdf

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