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CHRISTIE PARK, corner of Main Street and Park Street, Alexandria.

ACCESS : Easy access for all. Close to bus stops. 

///animator.extensive.natural Main gate on Main Street.

///gossiped.embedded.crew South gate on Park Street.

The main gates of the park on Main Road lead the visitor past the CHRISTIE PARK LODGE CHRISTIE PARK LODGE, ALEXANDRIA along a sweeping path that joins a large circuit around lawns, Along the way we pass through a section of formally planted bedding that, depending on the seasons, can be very bright and cheerful. A smaller circular path lined with mature trees sets off the impressive War Memorial. 

Further on your perambulations you will come across a children's play area and a bowling green. If you wish for even more variety, at the far end is a small area that is quite wooded over rough ground. 

A smaller side entrance from Park Street, has a drinking fountain : a classical base with protruding basins on each of the four side into which the water ocne spouted from lions' mouths! And atop all this was the female figure, perhaps of liberty, with one arm raised and trying to hold something now missing. Sadly the fountain has long ceased to work and is in a great need of attention. 

Also near this edge with Park Street is a long council park maintenance building. 

The West Dunbartonshire Council website has a good description : 

Christie Park lies on the site of Notman's Park, which was a small area of woodland and open field with a burn running through it. Notman's Park lay to the north west edge of the village of Alexandria, which, by the turn of the century was expanding northwards towards Balloch. The only significant feature of the site was a well at the base of the wooded embankment which is no longer in evidence.

In 1900, Notman's Park was bought by John Christie who laid it out as a public park for the inhabitants of the Vale of Leven. He laid out two circular lawns, planted trees and built a lodge for the use of the Park Superintendent. He also set aside a trust fund of £2,000.00 which he paid over to the Parish Council for use towards the maintenance of the park. The park was opened on the 5th July 1902 with a grand procession of 1,000 people and crowds of over 10,000. [WDC].

This is how the park looked in 1914. The lodge and the service yard are in the lower right hand corner. There is a bandstand, but no war memorial. There had not even been a First World War yet. Also notable is how much open natural area including woodland there is beyond the confines of the actual park. Tullichewan South Lodge sits to the north west just beyond the park boundary. The small burial ground behind that lodge is not indicated here, but would have existed then. NLS © as ref below.

Also see: 


Tullichewan BURIAL GROUND, Alexandria

GEOGRAPH.ORG : https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2196118

Revised: 1914, Published: 1919. https://maps.nls.uk/view/82874202

WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL website : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/parks-and-greenspaces/parks/christie-park/

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