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ACCESS : This requires a long walk or cycle ride on rough tracks. The road up is private so cars need to be parked elsewhere.

///ignoring.unwraps.paddocks The track where it meets Jaw Reservoir.

///routs.snoozing.factories Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall.

///owned.sampled.marshes Start of track where it leaves Cochno Road

///robots.ascendant.medium Cochno carpark. 

This is a double reservoir beyond Cochno Hill. Each part defined by an island and walls. It is surrounded by rugged muirland and some forestry. 

A circular route taking in Greenside Reservoir and Cochno Hill (348m) makes a good walk. 

To get there have a look at the View Ranger website below. Be aware that while walking is fine, private vehicles cannot be driven or parked on this private road. The best place to park is in the Cochno carpark. There is a decent footpath from there to the start of the road that leads up to the reservoirs. 

Fishing rights are held by the University of Glasgow through the Cochno Farm and Research Centre (along with the Jaw and Black Loch). These waters are leased by the Hardgate & District angling association, who have enjoyed them for over 100 years.

A short diversion over rough ground will take you to the nearby Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall on the Jaw Burn. Its flow can vary with the weather and outflow from the reservoir.

GET OUTSIDE website : https://getoutside.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/local/jaw-reservoir-west-dunbartonshire

VIEW RANGER website : https://my.viewranger.com/route/details/MjAyMDE3Mw==

YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO_SYtWzyZ8 Drone footage of Jaw Reservoir and the nearby Mare's Tail Waterfall. 

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