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Wild STRAWBERRY : Fragaria vesca

If you ever find minuture strawberrie growing in the wild or perhaps an old garden or disturbed site, then you have found our native wild species. These are lovely to eat once ripe, but really tiny. They are not a direct ancestor of the strawberries we eat now. The white flowers with yellow centres are very pretty too.

The Wildlife Trust reminds us of William Morris,  19th century textile designer, artist and writer who was associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. He immortalised the Wild strawberry in his famous 'Strawberry thief' pattern. He was inspired by what he had seen one day in the grounds of his home at Kelmscott Manor - a hungry thrush swooping down to take a Wild Strawberry in its beak.

Minute, but tasty strawberries appear in June. This example is in a long established, but slightly rampant garden near Renton. These plants wander about and take root all over the place.

WILDLIFE TRUST: https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/wildflowers/wild-strawberry


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