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BONHILL PARISH CHURCH, Main Street, Bonhill.

ACCESS : Easy access. This makes a great start or end point if walking along the riverside path from Dillichip Loan. 

Listed B.


This church is of a traditional rectangular plan with a square castellated and pinacled tower. The listing notes that it was was designed along a William Burn formula. [HES]. This seems to mean that the actual architect is unknown, but that it was heavily influenceds by William Burn who was prolific in church architecture elsewhere. He was an architect who pioneered the Scots Baronial style and lived from 1789 until 1870.

The interior of the church has been substantially altered with the church proper much reduced and the remaining rooms used as meeting rooms.

Also see BONHILL PARISH CHURCHYARD index.asp?pageid=718847

During the long dark nights, the church is floodlit.

BONHILL PARISH CHURCH website : https://bonhillchurch7.wixsite.com/bonhillchurch There is an interesting article by Bill Scobie under "history" here. 

BRITISH LISTED BUILDING with map : https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/200331582-bonhill-old-parish-church-main-street-bonhill-bonhill/photos

HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SCOTLAND website for listed buildings : http://portal.historicenvironment.scot/designation/LB1095

UNDISCOVERED SCOTLAND website : https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usbiography/b/williamburn.html Covers William Burn. 

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