HAREBELL : Campanula rotundifolia
These delicate long stemmed blue bell-shaped flowers bob in the wind. They can be found in open areas such as our muirlands, preferring the drier areas.
It is a creeping perennial with leaves that are club-shaped at the base, but elingated up the stems.
In Scotland, the harebell is sometimes known as the 'bluebell'; elsewhere, it has picked up various local names, including 'witches' thimbles' and 'fairy bells', alluding to magical associations. Other names include : blawort, hair-bell, lady's thimble, witch's bells, and witch's thimbles.
It is found across Europe and even Iceland. It is even a symbol of Sweden. (Similar unrelated species occur in America).
Harebells on Carman Muir in August.
WIKIPEDIA : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campanula_rotundifolia
WILDLIFE TRUSTS : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/wildflowers/harebell