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Access : On foot from O'Hare Road. 

///reflector.engage.encroach Pappert Well.

///angry.embarks.february Pappert Stone.

The following was written on this website a few years ago -

No one is absolutely sure where Pappert's Well actually is, but a contender is a sizeable hole in the thick grass of the walk up the hill from the outer sweep of Pappert, one of the roads of "new" Bonhill. Water flows discreetly, but freely within it. This one certainly looks like it could be a well, but it has been disturbed by forestry and you can find other places were water seeps from the hillside. Locals though claim that this is indeed Pappertwell.

Visit it now and you will have no such doubts that it is a proper well. Fairly recently, a semi-circular stone enclosure has been constructed around this water source and the area cleaned up, The confusion arose from the degree of disturbance and the fact that after intensive rains, other "wells" could also be seen nearby. What you see now looks at least partly a historic structure. It just goes to show that we need to be cautious when identifying historic sites.  The Vale of Leven website (see link below) also refers to the well being disturbed over time

"A marker-stone and a metal ladle, which made drinking the well water much easier, marked the site of the well. By the 1950's and 60's the Well itself was a bit of a movable drink - disturbed from time to time by the drain-laying requirements of forestry and agriculture. However, no matter where it moved to the ladle went with it. The Well and Hill were close to an old drove road to Falkirk Tryst and served both local walkers and the much-travelled drovers".

Some bubbles rise through the water. Lairich Rig suggest that it may be gas. This may be from decaying vegetation further up the hill through which the water percolates. 

The origin of the name of the well and the woods remains unknown. While it has long been of hsitoric interest, influence on the identity of the area and a favourite destination for walkers, it is unclear as to its historic origins, if any,

To get to this point, the path is clear and through a gap in the planted trees. For the walker or even the off track cyclist, there are other access points through the planted forest onto the slopes beyond New Bonhill and into the heather and woodland. Some websites refer to both foot and cycle access, but the path can be both firm or boggy. 

The vegetation varies from gorse and heather to plantation. In a clearing and on a slight rise is Pappert Stone, a natural outcrop, and a good target for a walk. Paths converge on it. 

Until recently, the well itself wasn't much to look at .......

....... but it is a nice walk and the views are great.

GEOGRAPH with Lairich Rig : https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/1009877

VALE OF LEVEN WEBSITE : http://www.valeofleven.org.uk/contributions/jeelyeaters.html

WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/parks-and-greenspaces/woodlands/pappertwell-community-woodland/

WOODLAND TRUST website : https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/visiting-woods/woods/pappertwell-community-woodland/


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