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This was the school before the one that is now the childcare centre. It stood on the hill above Milton just off Milton Brae. It still stands but is now a private house.

ACCESS : This is now restricted as it is a private house.

We have little information on this building and even Pastmap / Canmore ignore it. But in its time it was very important premises. The map below gives some indication of where it was - just along from the Paper Works.

The school as it appears on a 1896 map.

The following photographs were taken in 2010. It had already been a private house for some time.

The cobbled approach lane.

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND : MAPS : Dumbartonshire Sheet XXII.NE. Date revised: 1896, Date Published: 1899.https://maps.nls.uk/view/75498378  

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