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ACCESS : You can drive along Merkins Road and stop at the side (not in the passing place nor at the farm entrance gate). From there you walk up a dirt road for some distance until almost at the forest plantation. These falls are magnificent. BUT you are warned that they are not easy to get close to and can be rather obscured by vegetation.

To get there it is suggested that you have a close look at the map in the GetOutside website below. It may be close to Croftamie, but is not easy to find. Strangely you may be within West Dunbartonshire when you leave your car, but are almost immediately over the county border in Stirling. 

Modern farm buildings have recently been built within the trees just off the approach track and the field is used for cattle. They are very close to the chambered cairn described in the previous section and are just off the John Muir Way. 

Take great care once you are there. As with all waterfalls, recent weather can have a dramatic effect on their visual impact.

GETOUTSIDE website : https://getoutside.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/local/gallangad-muir-west-dunbartonshire

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