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EDINBARNET HOUSE, Cochno Road, near Faifley.

ACCESS : This is a nursing home so access is restricted.

B listed. 


Sir John James Burnet (Burnet & Son) designed this fine snecked rubble mansionhouse in 1885 on a picturesque hillside. Although now somewhat secluded, it had lovely views of the distant Clyde and beyond. 

Its architectural style is mock baronial and various attractive features can be found on and within it. The first that one notices on approach is the tower and crow-stepped gables. A Renaissance-style window pediment dated 1758 was incorporated. The MacKenzie crest is set in stone by the fireplace in the main hall.

The building is now a nursing home and has been greatly enlarged and modernised. 

Joseph Irving notes that : Edinbarnet (Walter Mackenzie. Esq.) was part of the Church lands gifted by the Earls of Lennox to the Monks of Paisley. [Irving].

A portico capital.

The date stone of 1758 built in to the later building.

Edinbarnet looks a little mysterious from the footpath nearby.

In this map of 1896 we see most of the estate. A = Edinbarnet House; B = the kennels and kennels cottage (Pastmap notes this as old Edinbarnet); C = the stables and stables cottage. Near where the gasometer is shown is now the electrical substation. NLS © as ref below. 

BRITISH LISTED BUILDINGS with map : https://britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/200347742-edinbarnet-house-old-kilpatrick/photos/77308#.X75e9ulxdPY

EDINBARNET NURSING HOME website https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/museums-and-galleries/collections/buildings/castles-and-country-houses/castles-and-country-houses-clydebank/edinbarnet-house/

GLASGOW WEST ADDRESS website : http://www.glasgowwestaddress.co.uk/1909_Glasgow_Men/MacKenzie_Robert_Campbell.htm

IRVING. JOSEPH. THE BOOK OF DUMBARTONSHIRE. W. and A.K. Johnston. Edinburgh and London. 1879.

NATIONAL LIRBARY OF SCOTLAND : MAPS : Dumbartonshire Sheet XXIII.SW. Date revised: 1896, Date Published: 1899. https://maps.nls.uk/view/75498393

WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL website https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/leisure-parks-events/museums-and-galleries/collections/buildings/castles-and-country-houses/castles-and-country-houses-clydebank/edinbarnet-house/ This website has articles on prominent Glasgow men. In this case it describes Robert Campbell MacKenzie of the Law and Edinbartnet estates. 

WEST DUNBARTONSHIRE COUNCIL HERITAGE TRAIL : DUNTOCHER, HARDGATE AND FAIFLEY : https://www.west-dunbarton.gov.uk/media/2619071/duntocher.pdf


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