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CORNFLOWER : Centaurea montana

This spidery blue flower is a common sight in summer. Although related to the other cornflower types that you get in gardens and grown from seeds, this does not have the delicate ball of blue like them, but a bold and intriguing cluster. A spikey centre pf small purple flowers has a whirl of slender blue star-like florets held outwards from it.  

It is native to the mountain meadows and woodlands of continental Europe and often found around West Dunbartonshire. However it was once almost eradicated in many areas as it used to be considered a weed of arable fields. 

GARDENERS WORLD : https://www.gardenersworld.com/plants/centaurea-montana/

WILDLIFE TRUSTS : https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/wildflowers/cornflower

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