FAIRY INKCAP : Coprinellus disseminatus
These tiny mushrooms form miniscule landscapes on decaying trees, usually amongst the equally small leafs of moss. They have very small egg, bell or bonnet-shaped caps, averaging around 1cm in diameter, which range from an early white colour upon their first emergence then darken through various shades of grey with a yellowish tinge, blackening from the outside inwards as they age. The caps are pleated with a thin grooves on top radiating outwards from the centre, and if caught at the right time, when looked at under a hand lens, they are covered with a fine down of small projecting hairs. The stipe (stem) is white, thin, hollow and easily snapped. [Woodlands.co.uk].
These were found along the Leven towpath in December 2024.
WOODLANDS.CO.UK website: https://www.woodlands.co.uk/blog/flora-and-fauna/july-fungi-focus-fairy-inkcap-coprinellus-disseminatus/