William Macfarlane
William Macfarlane became manager of the Mount Alexander estate in Granada for Houston & Co and rose to become a member of the island assembly by the late 1780s. [Douglas Hamilton, Scotland, The Caribbean and the Atlantic World, 1750-1820, p88; Ned C Landsman (ed), Nation and Province in the First British Empire: Scotland and the Americas, p111]
In 1792 he was granted the 500 acres plantation on the coast of Berbice, which was named Glasgow [Kaartboek van de navolgende gronden uitgegeven in de kolonie Berbice, met acten van meting (1790-1793)]. He was also in partnership with Matthew Munro and James Blair, both of Grenada, and Lambert Blair of Berbice, trading as Lambert Blair & Co. Macfarlane died before 1799 [London Gazette 1799].