Hugh and Alexander Houston
Hugh and Alexander Houston were the sons of Lewis Houston and part of an extended network of Houston/Houstoun families in east Sutherland. [For details see Northern Notes & Queries]
In 1806 Hugh Houston ‘of Berbice’ succeeded his father, Lewis, as owner or lessee of lands in the parishes of Helmsdale and Kildonan in Sutherland. [Papers on Sutherland Estate Management: 1802-1816, Robin Adam (Scottish History Society 1972) Vol 1, p239]
In 1803 Hugh, described as a ‘planter’, had subscribed his name to an address to Governor van Batenburg of Berbice and in 1805 both ‘H Houston’ and ‘A Houston’ were signatories of a letter to the Governor [van Batenburg, Kort historisch verhaal]. Alexander Houston signed an address to Thomas Cuming in 1812.
In 1813 a notice was placed in the London Gazette regarding the unadministered estate of Alexander and Hugh Houston, plantation Maryburg, Berbice [London Gazette].